Get an International Patent

Before you file for an international patent, you should decide which geographical region you want the patent to cover. Different areas like the European Union have their own process for applying for an international patent.

When deciding which countries you want the patent to cover, you should think about where your invention will be most marketable. Doing the research of potential markets in different countries is essential, and you can do this yourself or get the help of a market research firm.

You should then research the process steps, timing and fees required by each of these countries. This research can be done in online law libraries where you can find a lot of information on the patent regulations of other countries.

The first step in the process for inventors in the United States is to apply with the US Patent Office for a foreign license, which is required by federal law. You should be sure to keep your invention under wraps until your application has been accepted by the international community, or you may be denied the patent request.

There are two alternatives available to file for an international patent. You can choose to file separate applications in the countries you are seeking coverage, or you can file a single application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) or the European Patent Convention. When you file under the European Patent Convention, you can designate the specific member countries you are targeting.

When the application is accepted, you will receive a national patent from each of the countries listed on the application. This option makes sense for those inventors who are filing in at least 3 or 4 different countries.

The PCT process begins with an international application filing and an International Search Report, and ends with a number of national/regional patents being granted. The international application and search report can be published as soon as 18 months from the priority date.

RIM Must Pay Licensing Fees on Blackberry and Playbook

Dolby Labs has won two patent lawsuits against Research in Motion (RIM) for infringement of proprietary audio technologies. As part of the standard terms won by Dolby, RIM will now have to pay licensing fees to the company.

Dolby Labs is an American public company that was originally founded in the United Kingdom, and it specializes in audio encoding, audio compression and noise reduction technologies. On the other hand, RIM is a Canadian telecommunication device corporation that is well renowned for producing the Blackberry smartphone.

The financial details of the licensing agreement were not disclosed, but Dolby had previously estimated that they would be owed about $15 million in back royalties plus interest. Dolby filed suit against RIM in Germany and the US this year over patents on High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding, a technology that enables high quality playback of compressed audio files in digital format.

This standard is widely used in music players, smartphones, tablets, PCs and other mobile devices. The lawsuit from Dolby alleged that RIM was using the technology without a license in its Playbook and BlackBerry devices.

The costs of the licensing agreement between RIM and Dolby are small in comparison to the impact of RIM’s patent loss against NTP several years back. RIM is currently engaged in patent spats with a number of other tech companies such as Kodak, which may end up selling some of their patents as a possible resolution. Via Licensing, a Dolby subsidiary in charge of managing various Dolby technologies, is also working with NFC, WiMAX and LTE patent issues.

The next quarterly results from RIM will show the full impact of the licensing agreement with Dolby on the company’s outlook for their financial future. The standing question is whether RIM is profitable enough today to comfortably pay out more licensing fees or whether it will have a materially adverse impact on their financial outlook.

Who invented the air conditioner?

The first electrical air conditioner was invented by Willis Haviland Carrier in the year 1902, just a year after his graduation from Cornell University with a Masters in Engineering.

While working as an employee for Buffalo Forge Company, Carrier designed this machine for the owner of a printing plant who was having trouble printing because of fluctuations in heat and humidity.

The apparatus designed by Carrier helped maintain a stable climatic condition within the plant fixing the owner’s printing woes.

Carrier patented his design of an air conditioner in 1906. He went on to patent many more designs related to air conditioning and gained the title of ‘father of air conditioning’. The term air conditioning, however, was not a brainchild of Willis Carrier. In fact, it was used by a textile engineer, Stuart Cramer, in his patent claim.

Later on, Carrier revealed his psychometric formulae to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). These formulae are used even today in calculations for the air conditioning industry.

Willis Carrier says that he got the idea of an air conditioner while waiting for a train. It was foggy, and he was thinking about the problems of temperature and humidity. By the time the train reached the station, Carrier had a clear understanding of the relationship between temperature, humidity and dew point.

The invention of the air conditioner was just the beginning of a series of achievements for Carrier. In 1915, he established the Carrier Engineering Corporation, a company dedicated to improving the quality of air conditioning. The company, which started with a base capital of $35,000, posted sales of $5 billion in 1995.

Carrier began designing air conditioning systems for industries, and these industries flourished with the new ability to control the environment through their various manufacturing processes. This led to a subsequent increase in the quality of the goods they produced.

In 1924, Carrier changed his focus towards air conditioning for people. After installing an air conditioner in a J.L. Hudson department store in Detroit, and observing the sudden influx of customers, the demand for smaller air conditioning units by stores and movie theatres boomed. He obliged.
In 1928, Carrier launched the first residential air conditioning unit, called the ‘Weathermaker’.

Who invented the internet?

Like electricity, the internet too wasn’t invented by a single person. It is the cumulative result of the concepts and ideas of many different people and organizations, and has come a long way from what it was at the time of its conception.

The idea of an internet was first thought of by the US Department of Defense in 1957 when the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) needed to share their research and technology. Initially this was done by joining their networks using phones.

In 1966, Larry Roberts of MIT designed the ARPANET, which consisted of computers linked over long distances. In 1969, ARPANET opened its networks to other universities and UCLA and Standard were among the first to be a part of their network nodes. By 1973, it extended its network over a large number of universities in the US and had also established a node in London, UK.

During the 1970s the internet underwent several major changes. The very concept of internet was revolutionized by the introduction of packet switching technology, which allowed for faster transmission of data at a considerably lower cost. In addition to that, the development of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) changed the way data was being transmitted over the internet. This decade also saw the birth of USENET and the UNIX operating system, and in 1976, the Queen of England sent the first e-mail.

In 1982, the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) was developed, and is marked as one of the most significant milestones in the history of the internet. was the first domain name to be registered in the year 1985, and the first virus was reported in 1988.

In the year 1990, Tim Berners Lee, a scientist at CERN, gave birth to the concept of hypertext, i.e., a method by which documents could be linked to each other over networks. This led to the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW).

In the 90s, applications called browsers were developed to help surf the Web in a convenient way. And with that the internet was born.

Who invented electricity?

No one invented electricity. Rather, it was discovered. Even so, its discovery cannot be attributed to any one individual in history, but as a culmination of the research of various scholars spanning many eras.

The first mention of electrical use was in the year 600 B.C. in Greece. A man named Thales of Miletus discovered that rubbing fur would make certain objects attract each other. On further experimentation, Thales was able to generate sparks using amber.

In 1600 A.D., an Italian physicist Giralamo Cardano studied the basic properties of electrical power and magnetism. His theories were elucidated by his colleague, William Gilbert, who wrote about various substances and their electric properties in his “De magnete, magneticisique corporibus”.

Gilbert went on to coin the term ‘electricity’ from the Greek word meaning amber. He was also the first to use the terms magnetic pole, electric force and attraction.

Later in the same century a German scientist, Otto von Guericke invented the electrostatic generator, a machine that produced static electricity. Experiments conducted with this device and a few similar ones that followed led to a number of conclusions, like the existence of charge in both negative and positive forms, which greatly contributed to the study of electricity.

In 1747, Benjamin Franklin, following his famous experiment with the kite, concluded that electricity “flows” and has a fluid-like property that is composed of particles. He also invented the lightning rod and proved that lightning was electricity. It was also discovered that static electricity could be converted into current.

These conclusions and the subsequent contributions of scientific greats like Alessandro Volta, Andre Ampere and Georg Ohm led to inventions like the capacitor, the anode and cathode, and the battery.

This was followed by a series of inventions, discoveries and hypotheses related to the theory of electricity. People who made a great impact on the electrical theory during this time were Thomas Alva Edison, George Westinghouse, Samuel Morse, Nikolas Tesla and Alexander Bell.

Their inventions like the light bulb, electric motor, telegraph and the telephone changed civilization in ways unimaginable.

As you can see, no one individual can be credited for the discovery of electricity. It was the combined efforts of all these great thinkers and scientists that helped man discover and manage this very important natural resource.

Patent an Idea tips

There are many good reasons to patent an idea, and doing so will make your idea more valuable in the market. For example, if you want to license your product to a manufacturing company a patent will likely be required.

The patent protects your idea, and prevents the manufacturing company from producing the product on their own, and therefore they are induced to pay you ongoing licensing fees.
In the US, the government issues patents that allow individuals to stop other people from selling, producing or utilizing the idea which is covered by the patent within the borders of the United States. It also prevents anyone from importing a product into the US which violates the patent.

Patents for other countries and regions of the world must be applied for and granted by the respective patent granting body within the particular area.
There are several requirements that must be met in order for an idea to be eligible for a patent.

The main standard is that an invention must have unique characteristics that distinguish it from other products on the market and it must not be of an obvious nature. Specifically, you can’t obtain a patent on a supposition, a law of nature, or on printed material.
In order to successfully patent an idea, there are several steps that must be followed. The first step is to conduct a patent search on the idea. This search can be conducted via the US PTO and via other online patent databases.

You are searching for prior art, but if you find that your idea has already been patented you shouldn’t be immediately discouraged. This can indicate that there is already a market for your product which you could capitalize on by making an improved version that is significantly different from the prior art.

Following a preliminary search, it is wise to hire professional searchers to conduct a more in depth search as well.

HTC Uses Google Patent Against Apple

HTC has filed a patent suit against Apple that amounts to a proxy fight over Android OS. HTC is using nine new patents that it acquired from Google in order to sue the iPhone maker on behalf of the search engine giant. Google is going to great lengths to protect its Android OS from attacks by Apple.

The new patents give HTC more ammo to file another lawsuit against Apple in Delaware and with the International Trade Commission. The suit alleges that Apple has infringed all nine patents in question, which Google acquired last year from Openwave Systems, Motorola, and Palm in order to protect against IP lawsuits. Google gave the patent to HTC on September 1, and wasted no time in filing suit. The patent grant makes good on Google’s promise earlier in the year to support HTC in legal battles with Apple. The largest benefit that Google gets from helping HTC is due to the fact that the Android maker makes tablets and mobile phones which provides large advertising dollars for Google.

The Google patent grant to HTC will help the second largest smartphone manufacturer in Asia fend off a barrage patent infringement suits from Apple. The original claims lodged by Apple allege that phones running Android OS are copying the iPhone and thus infringing on Apple patents. The move by Google to step in and aid HTC in these legal battles opens up a new front in what is fast becoming an industry war over smartphone technology.

The patent wars have entangled all of the major players who are Android customers, including Barnes & Noble, Motorola Mobility and Samsung Electronics. Some industry analysts are calling the move by Google a “game changer”, as it shows their commitment to protecting their customers and the Android operating system at all costs. HTC already has two patent infringement claims pending against Apple at the ITC.

Licensing Agreement Between Telemundo and Netflix

A licensing agreement between Netflix and Spanish language network provider Telemundo will result in 1,200 hours of streaming content for Netflix subscribers. The international distribution arm of Telemundo, NBC Universal’s Telemundo Internacional, agreed to provide the content to Netflix on a per year basis.

It will be accessible to Latin American Netflix subscribers via streaming, as part of Netflix’s Latin American expansion.

The company’s goal is to expand its services to 43 Latin American and Caribbean countries by year end. Netflix has already signed agreements with several of the other major Spanish language media giants in Mexico, including Televisa and TV Azteca.

The agreement with Televisa is a multi year deal which will provide3,000 hours of programming per year, while the deal with TV Azteca will provide 1,500 hours of content per year.

The licensing agreement between Telemundo and Netflix will benefit Latin American Netflix subscribers as they will gain access to hit programs from Telemundo Internacional such as the popular tele novela La Reina del Sur (The Queen of the South).

The Telemundo deal will provide over 1,200 hours per year of the top original Telemundo productions to Netflix. The Telemundo streaming is set to launch in Latin America later this year in the SVOD platform and all connected devices.

Telemundo officials said that they are proud to work with Netflix and that they are offering their full support behind the company’s international expansion plans. Telemundo executives are working with Netflix to provide the best content, and they are excited about the growth potential of the Netflix SVOD platform for their own expansion plans into all new media and other innovative broadcasting platforms.

The financial details of the licensing agreement were not disclosed, and Telemundo asserted that the agreement will be analysed every year that it is in effect.