Asam Shade

A Multifunctional, Protective Awning

The Asam Shade is a multifunctional, protective awning specially designed for attachment to conveyances such as wheelchairs and strollers; also available as a stand-alone unit, the Asam Shade could serve as a portable product for any outdoor activity. Primarily, the design intent is to provide users of wheelchairs and strollers with an instant covering that shields them from sunlight, as well as light rain, in an effort to increase comfort while outdoors.

Features & Benefits

Compact and lightweight, the Asam Shade would be comprised of a framework consisting of a series of durable support tubes or pipes, fabricated of a weather-resistant plastic PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) or a sturdy metal material. Connected together via swivel-lock clamps, the framework would be configured to be easily opened and compacted as needed. Companion brackets or stroller mounts, as well as clamps for an existing stroller or wheelchair (or other push or stationary platform) would be made available on the unit's telescoping poles/legs to expediently attach the Asam Shade to these devices. The Asam Shade would come complete with nylon, canvas, or a similar fabric-based, single shade panel to block elements above a user, and to either their left or right side as well. This elongated shade panel, rectangular in shape, would offer copious shading, covering thirty inches (30”) or more. The unique design of this product would allow the user to adjust the entire shade from left to right while always offering protection from above. This would be achieved by sliding the one-piece shade panel through the slots, allowing the once “side panel” to become the top, and once “top panel” to now cover the opposite side. Should one wish to only have the shade panel provide protection from above, the leftover length of material could be wrapped or folded over the top (creating a double layer) and secured in place via a clamp or Velcro®fastener. In this manner, the user can easily position and slide the shade on whichever side necessary, at any given time. Additionally, when attached to any style stroller, standard wheelchair, or immobile object, the height of the system would extend, via telescoping components, from approximately seventy to eighty-two inches (70”-82”), accommodating users of any stature. The clever, all-encompassing, no hassle, Asam Shade concept would offer both wheelchair and stroller users a convenient, multifaceted solution to avoiding the sun's rays when spending time outdoors. An awning made expressly for this conveyance, the Asam Shade would provide sufficient protection against the damaging rays of the sun, as well as from light rain or snow, in a hands-free manner, and without the need to don cumbersome protective weather and sun gear such as hats, long sleeves, or sunblock, when outside. As a result, users would be able to comfortably operate the chairs and any infant/toddler strollers without the hassle of trying to manage an umbrella or parasol at the same time, and without having hot layers of otherwise unnecessary head-wear and clothing. In this manner, patients confined to wheelchairs would be able to enjoy the refreshing outdoors, without worry of weather conditions and the discomfort of confining clothing. Offering parents utilizing an infant stroller optimal protection from the blazing sun and light rain, and keeping their clothing and body comfortable and dry, parents and caregivers should appreciate that the innovative design of the Asam Shade would also afford them a hands-free means of protection, thus allowing them to keep both hands on their child’s stroller at all times. Eliminating the dangerous scenario of trying to maneuver a heavy infant stroller while juggling an umbrella, the Asam Shade could prove a valuable safety tool, allowing the parent to focus their attention on their child, as opposed to the elements. Importantly, the Asam Shade's complete protection from the sun could prove an effective way to avoid the risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer is largely preventable, and can be averted when sun protection measures are used consistently. With the Asam Shade, users would possess such protection right at their fingertips. While use in conjunction with strollers and wheelchairs has been the primary focus here, the inventors intend to offer the Asam Shade as an independent, stand-alone unit as well. As such, this highly portable product could be taken along on any chosen outdoor activity, whether watching a sporting event, visiting the beach, camping out, and even gardening. The Asam Shade (stroller/wheelchair version) could also be attached to riding lawnmowers, ride-on toys, and more. As created, the usage potential of a product such as the Asam Shade is virtually limitless. Providing protection and comfort to stroller users and wheelchair-bound patients everywhere, this practical unit would foster a sense of confidence and independence in these users, allowing them to enjoy the outdoors whenever they wish.

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