Shear Ingenuity

A Line of Handle Attachments for Gardening Shears

Shear Ingenuity is a line of handle attachments, specially designed for gardening shears, that are equipped to extend to a length of up to six feet. Design intent is to provide gardeners and landscapers, particularly those with limited mobility, with tools that eliminate the need to constantly bend low, reach high, or climb ladders while working outside.

Features & Benefits

Shear Ingenuity would be fabricated of durable yet lightweight materials such as rubber, plastic, metal and/or steel, and would basically be tubular in shape. Offered in pairs, the units would be hollowed sleeves which would securely fit over the standard handles for these tools. Once affixed, the Extensions would expand and retract, in a telescoping manner, with the user employing a screw on each sleeve attached to a bolt with a small handle to lock and secure the handles at the desired length. Each unit would be able to extend as much as six feet (6') in length. Extending the handles of the shears, this set would allow users to manage these tools while remaining in an upright position at all times, eliminating the need to constantly bend over or overreach, which can result in painful back strain. Shear Ingenuity would assist all users, especially those who have limited physical capabilities, with gardening and landscaping activities. Enabling them to experience the joy and satisfaction that can be gleaned from working outside, without having to bend or crouch, Shear Ingenuity would permit disabled outdoor enthusiasts to participate in the beautification of their home in a simple, pain-free manner. Extensions comprised of telescoping adjustable parts, Shear Ingenuity would provide a comfortable and accessible height for any user’s stature. Whether cutting away growth along curbs or foundations, or trimming the tops of tall hedges, Shear Ingenuity would enable the user to remain in a comfortable and upright position while easily reaching the desired target. In addition, as a product promoting safety , Shear Ingenuity would negate the need to climb dangerous and unsteady ladders, as users could easily reach high areas safely from the ground when using this product. As such, Shear Ingenuity would foster a renewed sense of independence and self-sufficiency in all users, and especially in older patients afflicted with arthritis, back or shoulder pain, or similar ailments. While ideal for disabled gardeners and landscapers, this extremely handy and easy to use product would be enjoyed and appreciated by anyone who loves working in the yard, whether a professional or a do-it-yourself participant. Extending one's reach when gardening and pruning, Shear Ingenuity should be well received by all who enjoy lawn and garden work.

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