Research and invention are the engines that propel development. There has been an explosion of inventions over the recent past, and this fact is testified by the exponential leaps made in the all sectors of industrial development.
Medical breakthroughs, technological advancements and robotic achievements are the order of the day. A patent – defined as a set of exclusive rights granted by the state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for the public closure of an invention – safeguards the interests of the inventor, and encourages investment in research.
How To Get A Patent?
Getting a patent for a new invention that has the potential to influence the market, and is unique in structure and function, is advisable. Acquiring a patent for a product is a reward of sorts for your investment on realizing the product as is now truly yours. The document acknowledges and protects intellectual rights.
How to get a patent? you may ask. The laws that surround the issuing of patents differ greatly from country to country, and certain products or services that do fall under the umbrella of the intellectual property law of one nation may be exempted from the same in another country.
However the general steps involved in getting a patent is similar in most nations. Either the inventor himself, or a representative or an assignee of the inventor, must approach the concerned regional or national body concerned with granting patents.
This governmental body must be convinced that the product or service in question is indeed authentic and is generally beneficial.A patent application form must be filled out and submitted, and a series of inspections and investigations, and some more paper work later, a patent is awarded to the worthy inventor.
Patent protected products curb malpractices, and the chances of the product being misused can also be prevented. The awarding of a patent is one of the several methods of encouraging research in various fields, as owning a patent protected product lends a magnanimous personality to an inventor, and earns him/her wealth and recognition.
Getting a patent for a product or service of your design is a matter of acquiring intellectual rights over your brainchild. While not all inventions qualify for a patent, we sincerely wish you the best of luck with your invention’s protection!